On December 18th, Hollywood actor Brad Pitt will be celebrating his 61st birthday. With this milestone approaching, Pitt is faced with the harsh reality that he may not be able to communicate with his children, an experience that has been weighing heavily on him.
Pitt is a father to six children, three biological and three adopted, whom he shares with his ex-wife Angelina Jolie. The couple’s highly publicized divorce has caused a strain on their relationship, leading to a custody battle over their children. As a result, Pitt has limited access to his children and his longing to be a present father has only intensified as he nears his birthday.
In an interview with GQ magazine, Pitt opened up about his struggles with not being able to see his children as often as he would like. He shared, «I am quite famously a not-crier. Is that a term? I hadn’t