ДомойПоследние новостиМожет быть единственным глобальным игроком, который справится с ролью посредника в переговорах с россией: о какой...

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Может быть единственным глобальным игроком, который справится с ролью посредника в переговорах с россией: о какой стране идет речь

India has always been a country that values its relationships with other nations. In recent years, India has been making efforts to strengthen its ties with both Kiev and Moscow. The Indian government has been open about its communication with both countries, and this has been met with positive reactions from the international community.

India’s relationship with Ukraine has been steadily growing over the years. The two countries have a long history of cultural and economic ties, and in recent years, they have been working towards strengthening their political relationship as well. In 2018, India and Ukraine signed a bilateral agreement on cooperation in the field of defense, which was seen as a significant step towards deepening their ties. Since then, there have been several high-level visits between the two countries, including the visit of the Indian President to Ukraine in 2019.

One of the main areas of cooperation between India and Ukraine is defense. India has been a major buyer of Ukrainian defense equipment, and the two countries have also been collaborating on joint defense projects. In addition to defense, India and Ukraine have also been working together in the fields of agriculture, energy, and space technology. The Indian government has been actively promoting these collaborations and has been encouraging Indian businesses to invest in Ukraine.

At the same time, India has also been maintaining a strong relationship with Russia. The two countries have a long-standing strategic partnership, and their ties have only grown stronger in recent years. India and Russia have been cooperating in various fields, including defense, energy, and space technology. In 2019, India and Russia signed a five-year roadmap for cooperation in the defense sector, which includes joint development and production of defense equipment.

India’s relationship with Russia has also been strengthened by regular high-level visits between the two countries. In 2019, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi visited Russia for the Eastern Economic Forum, where he met with Russian President Vladimir Putin and discussed ways to further enhance their partnership. In 2020, Russian President Putin was invited as the chief guest for India’s Republic Day celebrations, which was seen as a significant gesture of the strong bond between the two countries.

Despite its close ties with both Ukraine and Russia, India has maintained a balanced approach in its foreign policy. The Indian government has made it clear that its relationships with these countries are not at the expense of its relationships with other nations. India has also been actively engaging with other countries in the region, such as China and Japan, to promote regional stability and economic growth.

India’s open communication with both Kiev and Moscow has been met with positive reactions from the international community. The Indian government’s approach of maintaining strong relationships with multiple countries has been seen as a sign of its growing influence and importance in the global arena. India’s efforts to strengthen its ties with Ukraine and Russia have also been seen as a step towards promoting peace and stability in the region.

In conclusion, India’s relationship with both Kiev and Moscow has been steadily growing, and the Indian government has been open about its communication with both countries. The strong partnerships between India, Ukraine, and Russia have been beneficial for all parties involved and have been seen as a positive development in the international community. India’s balanced approach in its foreign policy has been appreciated, and it is expected that the country will continue to play a significant role in promoting peace and stability in the region.

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