ДомойПоследние новостиЗафиксирован 101 бой: президент и Генштаб рассказали о ситуации на фронте

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Зафиксирован 101 бой: президент и Генштаб рассказали о ситуации на фронте

In just one day, the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) have dealt a major blow to the enemy’s military capabilities. According to the latest reports, the Ukrainian army has successfully destroyed 29 artillery systems, 52 drones, and 55 units of enemy’s automotive equipment.

This remarkable achievement is a testament to the bravery and dedication of the Ukrainian soldiers who have been defending their country against Russian aggression for over seven years. It also highlights the effectiveness of the Ukrainian army’s modernized tactics and strategies in countering the enemy’s attacks.

The destruction of 29 artillery systems is a significant blow to the enemy’s firepower. These systems are crucial for launching devastating attacks and causing destruction on the battlefield. By destroying them, the AFU has significantly weakened the enemy’s offensive capabilities and deprived them of a crucial tool in their arsenal.

In addition to the artillery systems, the Ukrainian army has also taken out 52 enemy drones. Drones have become a common tactic used by the enemy to gather intelligence and carry out attacks on Ukrainian positions. By eliminating such a large number of drones, the AFU has dealt a severe blow to the enemy’s reconnaissance capabilities and disrupted their plans for future attacks.

Furthermore, the destruction of 55 units of enemy’s automotive equipment is a significant achievement that should not be overlooked. This equipment is essential for the enemy’s mobility and supply chain, and its loss will greatly hinder their ability to maneuver on the battlefield. It also showcases the AFU’s precision and accuracy in targeting enemy’s assets, which is crucial in minimizing civilian casualties and collateral damage.

The successful operation carried out by the Ukrainian army is a testament to their professionalism and skills. Despite facing a well-equipped and heavily armed enemy, the AFU has managed to inflict significant damage and maintain the upper hand in the conflict. This achievement is a clear indication that the Ukrainian army is a force to be reckoned with and will not back down in the face of aggression.

It is also worth noting that the AFU’s actions were in strict accordance with international laws and norms. The Ukrainian army has always adhered to the principles of proportionality and necessity, ensuring that their operations do not cause unnecessary harm to civilians or civilian infrastructure.

The destruction of these enemy assets is a significant step towards achieving peace and stability in the region. The Ukrainian government has repeatedly stated its commitment to finding a peaceful solution to the conflict and has called on Russia to withdraw its troops and end its support for the illegal armed groups in eastern Ukraine.

In conclusion, the Ukrainian army’s success in destroying 29 artillery systems, 52 drones, and 55 units of enemy’s automotive equipment is a significant achievement that showcases their professionalism, dedication, and effectiveness. The AFU’s actions were in strict accordance with international laws and norms, further demonstrating their commitment to finding a peaceful resolution to the ongoing conflict. This operation is a clear message to the enemy that the Ukrainian army is a force to be reckoned with and will not hesitate to defend its territory and people.

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