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рф только выиграла от санкций, — австрийский экономист

The Effect of Additional Trade with China, Turkey and India is Positive for Russia, According to Gabriel Felbermayr

In recent years, Russia has been actively expanding its trade relations with China, Turkey and India. This move has been met with some skepticism, as these countries are often seen as competitors in the global market. However, according to Gabriel Felbermayr, President of the Kiel Institute for the World Economy, the effect of this additional trade is actually positive for Russia.

Felbermayr argues that increased trade with these three countries brings numerous benefits to the Russian economy. Firstly, it allows for diversification of trade partners, reducing the country’s dependence on traditional partners such as Europe and the United States. This is especially important in light of the current political tensions and economic sanctions imposed on Russia by these countries.

Furthermore, trade with China, Turkey and India opens up new markets for Russian goods and services. China, with its massive population and growing middle class, presents a huge opportunity for Russian exports. Turkey, as a gateway to the Middle East and North Africa, provides access to a region with high demand for Russian energy and agricultural products. India, with its rapidly growing economy, offers potential for Russian companies to tap into a new market for their products.

In addition, increased trade with these countries leads to a more efficient allocation of resources within the Russian economy. As Felbermayr explains, trade allows for specialization, where each country can focus on producing goods and services that they have a comparative advantage in. This leads to increased productivity and competitiveness, ultimately benefiting the Russian economy as a whole.

Moreover, trade with China, Turkey and India brings in much-needed foreign investment to Russia. As these countries continue to grow and develop, they are looking for new investment opportunities, and Russia presents a promising market. This influx of foreign investment can help boost the Russian economy and create new job opportunities for its citizens.

Felbermayr also points out that increased trade with these countries can lead to technology transfer and knowledge sharing. As Russian companies engage in trade with their counterparts in China, Turkey and India, they have the opportunity to learn from their advanced technologies and practices. This can help improve the overall competitiveness of Russian industries and contribute to the country’s economic growth.

Of course, there are also challenges that come with increased trade with these countries. One of the main concerns is the potential for a trade deficit, where Russia imports more goods and services from these countries than it exports. However, Felbermayr argues that this can be mitigated through proper trade policies and negotiations.

In conclusion, the effect of additional trade with China, Turkey and India is undeniably positive for Russia. It brings diversification, new markets, efficiency, foreign investment, and knowledge sharing to the Russian economy. As Felbermayr states, «Trade is not a zero-sum game, it is a win-win situation for all parties involved.» Therefore, it is in Russia’s best interest to continue strengthening its trade relations with these countries and reap the benefits that come with it.

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