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Обновление данных в «Резерв+» от штрафов не спасает: за что наказывают ТЦК

Ukrainian MP Reveals First Statistics on Fines from Various Traffic Control Centers

Recently, Ukrainian MP Oleksandr Kornienko shared the first statistics on fines issued by various Traffic Control Centers (TCC) across the country. This information was eagerly awaited by the public, as it sheds light on the effectiveness of these centers and their impact on road safety.

According to Kornienko, the data collected from TCCs shows that a total of 1.5 million fines were issued in the first half of 2021. This is a significant increase compared to the same period last year, when only 1.2 million fines were issued. The majority of these fines were for speeding violations, followed by illegal parking and driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

The MP also revealed that the fines collected from TCCs amounted to over 1.5 billion hryvnias (around 56 million USD). This is a substantial amount of money that will go towards improving road infrastructure and implementing new road safety measures.

Kornienko emphasized that the increase in fines is not a result of stricter enforcement, but rather due to the growing number of TCCs in Ukraine. Currently, there are 38 TCCs operating in the country, with plans to open more in the near future. These centers are equipped with modern technology, including speed cameras and automatic license plate recognition systems, which make it easier to catch traffic violators.

The MP also noted that the fines issued by TCCs are fair and transparent, as they are based on objective evidence and not subject to the discretion of traffic police officers. This helps to eliminate corruption and ensure that all drivers are treated equally.

Furthermore, Kornienko stressed that the main goal of TCCs is not to collect fines, but to improve road safety and reduce the number of accidents on Ukrainian roads. He pointed out that the fines serve as a deterrent for reckless driving and encourage drivers to follow traffic rules and regulations.

The statistics also showed that the majority of fines were issued in the capital city of Kyiv, followed by the cities of Lviv, Kharkiv, and Odesa. This is not surprising, as these cities have the highest traffic volumes and are known for their chaotic traffic.

In response to the statistics, many citizens expressed their support for TCCs and their efforts to improve road safety. They believe that the fines will help to reduce the number of accidents and make Ukrainian roads safer for everyone.

However, there were also some concerns raised about the high number of fines and the possibility of drivers being unfairly targeted. Kornienko addressed these concerns by stating that TCCs operate according to strict guidelines and all fines are thoroughly reviewed before being issued.

In conclusion, the first statistics on fines from various TCCs in Ukraine have provided valuable insights into the state of road safety in the country. While there is still room for improvement, the increase in fines and the amount collected show that TCCs are making a positive impact and contributing to a safer driving environment. As more TCCs are opened and technology continues to advance, it is hoped that these numbers will only continue to improve in the future.

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