ДомойПолитика«Украины не будет через 10 лет»: как росСМИ исказили фразу Медведева, готовя россиян...

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«Украины не будет через 10 лет»: как росСМИ исказили фразу Медведева, готовя россиян к затяжной войне

Institute for the Study of War Reveals Insights on «Moral Preparation of Russians»

The concept of war has been a part of human history since ancient times. It has shaped nations, changed borders, and impacted millions of lives. In today’s world, where conflicts and tensions continue to exist, it is crucial to understand the dynamics of war and its impact on societies. The Institute for the Study of War (ISW), a non-partisan, non-profit organization, has been dedicated to providing in-depth research and analysis on conflicts and their implications for global security. Recently, the ISW shed light on the «moral preparation of Russians» and its significance in the context of modern warfare.

According to the ISW’s report, the concept of moral preparation has been a crucial aspect of Russian military strategy since the Soviet era. It refers to the psychological and ideological readiness of soldiers and civilians to engage in war and endure its consequences. The report highlights that the Russian government has been actively promoting the idea of moral preparation among its citizens, using various mediums such as media, education, and military training.

One of the primary objectives of moral preparation, as stated in the report, is to instill a sense of national identity and patriotism among Russians. The government has been using the memories of the Soviet Union’s victory in World War II to create a strong sense of national pride and unity. This is evident in the annual Victory Day celebrations, where millions of Russians gather to commemorate the sacrifices made by their ancestors in the war. The report also mentions the use of propaganda and historical revisionism to create a glorified image of the Soviet Union’s role in the war.

Moreover, the report highlights the role of the Russian Orthodox Church in moral preparation. The church has been actively involved in promoting patriotism and nationalistic values among its followers. It has also been instrumental in creating a strong connection between religion and the military, portraying war as a holy duty for the defense of the motherland.

The ISW’s report also sheds light on the impact of moral preparation on the Russian military. It states that the government’s efforts have resulted in a significant increase in the number of volunteers in the Russian armed forces. The report also mentions the use of psychological techniques, such as desensitization to violence and dehumanization of the enemy, in military training to prepare soldiers for the harsh realities of war.

The concept of moral preparation has also been extended to the civilian population. The report mentions the creation of paramilitary organizations, such as the National Militia, to train civilians in the basics of military tactics and self-defense. This not only serves as a form of national defense but also reinforces the idea of a strong and prepared society in the face of potential threats.

The ISW’s report also discusses the implications of moral preparation on Russia’s foreign policy. It states that the government’s efforts to instill a sense of national pride and unity have led to an increase in aggressive and assertive behavior towards its neighboring countries. The report mentions the annexation of Crimea and the ongoing conflict in eastern Ukraine as examples of this behavior.

In conclusion, the concept of moral preparation of Russians has been a crucial aspect of the country’s military strategy. The government’s efforts to instill a strong sense of national identity, patriotism, and unity have resulted in a significant impact on both the military and civilian population. While it has helped in creating a strong and prepared society, it has also led to aggressive behavior towards neighboring countries. As conflicts and tensions continue to exist in the world, it is essential to understand the dynamics of moral preparation and its implications for global security.

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