ДомойПоследние новостиЕжегодно речь может идти о миллиардных суммах: Украина может получить замороженные российские средства

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Ежегодно речь может идти о миллиардных суммах: Украина может получить замороженные российские средства

All 27 EU countries have agreed to a proposal to transfer frozen Russian assets to Ukraine, and now it needs to be formalized and officially adopted. This decision is a significant step towards supporting Ukraine in its ongoing conflict with Russia and providing much-needed financial assistance.

The proposal, which was put forward by the European Commission, aims to transfer the income generated from the frozen assets of Russian companies to Ukraine. These assets were frozen as a result of sanctions imposed by the EU in response to Russia’s annexation of Crimea and its involvement in the ongoing conflict in eastern Ukraine.

The decision was reached at a meeting of EU foreign ministers in Brussels on Monday. The ministers agreed that the frozen assets should be used to support Ukraine’s economic and social development, as well as to help the country in its efforts to reform and modernize its institutions.

This move has been welcomed by Ukrainian officials, who have long been advocating for the transfer of frozen assets to their country. According to Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba, this decision is a «powerful signal of solidarity and support» from the EU towards Ukraine.

The exact amount of frozen assets that will be transferred to Ukraine is yet to be determined, but it is estimated to be in the billions of euros. This will provide a much-needed boost to Ukraine’s struggling economy, which has been heavily impacted by the ongoing conflict with Russia.

In addition to the financial support, the transfer of frozen assets will also have a symbolic significance. It shows that the EU stands firmly with Ukraine in its fight for sovereignty and territorial integrity. It also sends a strong message to Russia that its actions will not go unpunished.

The formalization and adoption of this proposal will require the approval of all 27 EU member states. This process may take some time, but the fact that all countries have already agreed to the proposal is a positive sign.

The decision to transfer frozen assets to Ukraine is not only a show of support, but it also reflects the EU’s commitment to upholding international law and standing up against aggression. It is a clear demonstration of the EU’s values and principles, which include respect for human rights, democracy, and the rule of law.

Furthermore, this decision highlights the EU’s role as a global player and its ability to take decisive action in international affairs. It also shows the EU’s willingness to use its economic power to promote peace and stability in the region.

The transfer of frozen assets to Ukraine is just one of the many ways in which the EU has been supporting the country in its efforts towards reform and modernization. The EU has also provided financial assistance, technical support, and trade opportunities to help Ukraine strengthen its economy and institutions.

In conclusion, the agreement of all 27 EU countries to transfer frozen assets to Ukraine is a significant step towards providing much-needed financial support to the country. It also sends a strong message to Russia that its actions will not be tolerated by the international community. The formalization and adoption of this proposal will further solidify the EU’s commitment to supporting Ukraine and upholding international law. This decision is a testament to the EU’s values and principles, and it showcases the bloc’s ability to take decisive action in international affairs.

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