ДомойПоследние новостиПроцесс пошел: в Украине начались массовые отключения должников от электричества

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Процесс пошел: в Украине начались массовые отключения должников от электричества

In Vinnytsia region, up to fifty consumers are being disconnected from electricity supply every day. This decision was made by the regional energy company, Vinnytsiaoblenergo, in an effort to improve the overall reliability and quality of electricity supply in the region.

According to the company, the decision to disconnect these consumers was not taken lightly. It was a necessary step to ensure the safety of the consumers and the stability of the electricity grid. The consumers who are being disconnected are mainly those who have not paid their electricity bills for a long period of time or who are using electricity illegally.

The disconnection process started on January 1, 2020 and will continue until all the identified cases of non-payment or illegal usage are resolved. This means that in the next few months, up to 1500 consumers could be disconnected from electricity supply in Vinnytsia region. However, the company has assured that they are working closely with the affected consumers to resolve the issues and avoid any disruptions in their electricity supply.

Vinnytsiaoblenergo highlighted that the non-payment of electricity bills is a serious issue that needs to be addressed. It not only affects the revenue of the company but also hampers their ability to invest in the maintenance and improvement of the electricity infrastructure. This, in turn, can lead to an unreliable and unstable electricity supply for all consumers in the region.

In addition to the financial impact, non-payment of electricity bills also has a negative impact on the environment. The company has stated that to generate and deliver electricity to these non-paying consumers, extra resources and fuel are being used, resulting in unnecessary carbon emissions and pollution. By disconnecting these consumers, the company is taking a step towards promoting a more sustainable and environmentally-friendly energy system.

Vinnytsiaoblenergo has also urged consumers to be responsible and pay their electricity bills on time. They have reminded consumers that electricity is a valuable resource and should not be taken for granted. The company has implemented various measures to make the payment process easier and more convenient for consumers, such as online payment options and installment plans for those who are facing financial difficulties.

The decision to disconnect consumers from electricity supply has received mixed reactions from the public. Some have criticized the company for being too harsh and not considering the financial difficulties faced by some consumers. However, others have applauded the move, stating that it is necessary to ensure a fair and reliable electricity supply system for all consumers.

The government of Vinnytsia region has also supported the decision of Vinnytsiaoblenergo. The regional governor, Mr. Ivan Vovk, has stated that the government fully understands the importance of ensuring a sustainable and reliable energy system for the region. He has also urged consumers to cooperate with the company and resolve any issues related to non-payment or illegal usage of electricity.

In conclusion, the decision to disconnect up to fifty consumers from electricity supply every day in Vinnytsia region may seem harsh to some, but it is a necessary step to ensure the overall stability and reliability of the electricity grid. The company is working towards promoting responsible energy consumption and a sustainable energy system for the region. It is the responsibility of every consumer to pay their electricity bills on time and contribute to the development of a more efficient and eco-friendly energy system.

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