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Заползают и кусают: нашествие мышей и крыс в окопах

In recent years, social media has become a powerful tool for sharing information and raising awareness about important issues. This is especially true for the conflict in Eastern Ukraine, where Ukrainian soldiers have been using social media to document the scale of the tragedy on the front lines. Meanwhile, in the Russian-controlled territory near Kupyansk, a recent outbreak of «mouse fever» has been reported, highlighting the dire situation for both soldiers and civilians in the region.

The use of social media by Ukrainian soldiers has been a crucial way to inform the world about the ongoing conflict in their country. Despite the ceasefire agreement signed in 2015, the fighting has continued, with both sides accusing each other of violating the terms. As a result, Ukrainian soldiers have been living in constant danger, facing daily attacks and shelling from pro-Russian separatists. In this difficult and often forgotten war, social media has become a powerful tool for Ukrainian soldiers to share their stories and show the world the reality of the situation.

Through their posts on platforms like Facebook and Twitter, Ukrainian soldiers have been able to provide a firsthand account of the situation on the front lines. They share photos and videos of destroyed buildings, injured civilians, and the devastating effects of the ongoing conflict. These posts not only serve as evidence of the atrocities happening in Eastern Ukraine, but also as a reminder that the conflict is far from over and that the lives of soldiers and civilians are still at risk.

One of the most powerful aspects of social media is its ability to reach a wide audience quickly. Ukrainian soldiers have been using this to their advantage, with their posts being shared and re-shared by people all over the world. This has helped to raise awareness about the conflict and put pressure on the international community to take action. In addition, social media has also become a way for soldiers to connect with their families and friends back home, providing them with a sense of support and solidarity during these difficult times.

On the other side of the conflict, in the Russian-controlled territory near Kupyansk, a different kind of tragedy is unfolding. In recent weeks, there has been a surge in cases of «mouse fever,» a bacterial infection transmitted by rodents. The outbreak has been particularly severe among soldiers stationed in the area, with at least 20 confirmed cases and several deaths. This has raised concerns about the living conditions and lack of proper medical care for soldiers in the region.

The outbreak of «mouse fever» is just one example of the dire situation for both soldiers and civilians living in the Russian-controlled areas of Eastern Ukraine. The conflict has not only caused physical destruction, but also created a humanitarian crisis with thousands of people displaced and in need of assistance. The lack of access to basic necessities and proper medical care has only worsened the situation, leading to preventable illnesses and deaths.

It is clear that the conflict in Eastern Ukraine has had a devastating impact on both sides. Ukrainian soldiers have been using social media to show the world the reality of the situation on the front lines, while the recent outbreak of «mouse fever» highlights the dire conditions in the Russian-controlled areas. It is important for the international community to not only be aware of these issues, but also to take action to bring an end to the conflict and provide support for those affected by it.

In conclusion, social media has become a powerful tool for Ukrainian soldiers to document and share the scale of the tragedy on the front lines. Through their posts, they have been able to raise awareness about the ongoing conflict and put pressure on the international community to take action. The recent outbreak of «mouse fever» further highlights the dire situation in the Russian-controlled areas of Eastern Ukraine. It is important for the world to pay attention to these issues and work towards finding a peaceful resolution to the conflict.

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